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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Framing in the context of Fracking

Framing in the context of Fracking

Dangers of Fracking

The Dangers of Fracking

Rally in Syracuse, NY summer 2012 to greet Gov. Cuomo

To let him know, at the opening of the New York State Fair that residents do not want fracking to invade the state.  Over 200 activists came from Central, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier counties.

Renee, organizer with Frack Action, briefed the Gov.'s security detail as to who we were and our plans for the day.  Notice her power stance! About 50 of the group put on black bibs and carried black parasols inside when the governor arrived and followed him around with song and dance. At the end of that part, they returned outside to join the rest of us.  We then had speakers including farmers from NYS and PA. The stories of Carol and Carolyn from Bradford county, PA, currently being fracked, were gripping and of interest to media.