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Friday, June 08, 2007

Attention - deficit

I did this drawing some time in year 2005, amongst a large group of drawings that came out probably from what was going on internally while I was taking various homeopathic remedies, sequentially. The homeopath was driving himself to find the right remedy to at least give me some relief, while hoping that he would find the remedy that would be close as possible to the sweet spot of core healing.
The drawing could represent that need for and the getting of the shared attention that a newborn human is programmed to require. That's how bonding with care-givers occurs. With deficient or absent attention, the required level of various hormones, especially oxytocin, and pyshological and psychic phenomena do not develop, impairing the ability of the resulting adult to develop healthy relationships, and imparing functioning in many other ways.
It's possible that red triangular shape with the lines across could represent a womb or a vagina - some kind of birthing may be going on. Notice that the heads appear to be speaking, while the head on the far right is wthin something looking like the ear's semi-circular canals. As for the eye, it seems connected to some kind of pupa sack, with a couple of eggs nearby.
When I'm drawing, I don't think. It works best that way, for many people engaged in some kind or creative production, I would guess. This drawing appears early in my Ph.D. dissertation.

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