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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Res ipsa loquitur

Res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself - AKA "Duh!"

The wrenching of fully grown trees out of the ground as if there were no more than a handful of unwanted dandelions and just as precious for watershed protection, cleansing the air,
The helicoptered dropping of charges followed by muffled blasts underground to the devastation of all life that communicates via vibration
The whirling dust storms devilishly birthed by the movement of massive diesel powered trucks and machinery;
Men desperate for money power out precious loam, flattening,
Spewing exhaust triggering asthma, stroke, breathing our last breath,
Men, and it seems it's always men, drive heavy gigantic barrel-shaped vehicles fast along narrow winding rural roads.

Increasingly scarce water that men suck from creeks, streams, lakes, rivers;
Tractor trailers groaning under the strain of layered bags of toxic chemicals strapped down with hooked reins
that can fly loose, puncturing a bag of poison spilling its contents for miles and miles and miles along roads,
On which your mother, my sister, our children, dogs, chickens walk.

Underground, hidden and hurting, whirling steel digs deep into millennial layered shale.
Stop, he does not stop but continues,
ramming thick slimy fluid poison into the fossilized remains of prehistoric animals and vegetation;
Heavy metals mixed with burning radiation, a DNA mashup;
To the mosh pit of hell, open to the now sickly air,
For frogs, wild turkey, geese, cows, sheep, to sip, crawl or dive into sickness or death
Do us part,
U.S. flag of occupation flying high from the utmost point of the rig.

Child bent over with intestinal pain, burning skin, the shakes,
No records kept, no screening of workers, forced treaties of silence in exchange for doubtful buffaloed BPA'd? water steaming in the sunlight,
Man from man, woman from woman, family from family torn apart,
Do us part.

As the forces of occupation do their part
We're just doing what we're told,
We meed to keep the engine of commerce going
As the enslaved from Africa, the indigenous people de-slaved to facilitate the creation of the layers of domination,
Same argument, we need the slaves for the sake of commerce, for the sake of the nation,
We need the exhalation of fossils for the sake of commerce, for the sake of the nation, U.S. flag flying high atop.

And we have "science" on our side,
"Science" says "no documented evidence" of contaminated water,
The politicians say who know nothing about science,
A science corrupted, bought and sold,
A contortion like the intestinal grippe after having sipped Dimock water, a science of a 100% impossibility, a false quackery feeding the desperate and greedy.

Res ipsa loquitur.

Like Hitler's science-based plan to exterminate the Jews.
Like the English invading plan to exterminate the indigenous people of the Americas.
Sullivan and Clinton. Clinton and Sullivan riding high the crest of the pounding waters of the Susquehanna sweeping clear the scientifically proven "inferior" peoples living quietly along the banks with their storehouses of corn, squash, dried meat.
Dead, gone, along with their knowledges of the movement of the waters on their part of Turtle Island.

Not the science of which biologists, chemists, geologists true to their calling will speak who never say anything to a certainty except be careful, you cannot lose by slowing down or even banning.
Except money.
With the forces of Nature no certainty can ever exist. Then mix in human imperfection.

When you have un-silenced evidence, you must say stop.
Do not continue to do what generations later, as Sandra Steingraber said, realize is the unthinkable.
the killing of the Jews,
the genocide of indigenous peoples,
the not treating black men for Syphillis,
the fraud-filled injection of Syphillis into
the bodies of brown people, Tuskegee, Guatemala,
the U.S. eugenicists' choice of Jamaica for their research as the ground zero for the creation of "monsters" by "race mixing", on and on.
Then, science. Now, Unthinkable.
This is the poisoned tree of "science" from which comes the word-fruit that those who want to make money from drilling speak, even if they do it out of desperation, which does not excuse them.

Every single human being has the responsibility to get the information necessary to protect us all, even if those with temporary power do everything to keep the information hidden.
Let us not be the new Germans to our own selves.
The thing speaks for itself.

Cecile Lawrence (c) October 2010

1 comment:

leif said...

thanks. i'm glad to learn a new, very useful latin phrase.
that is a great blog that you wrote.